Applications - Unsolicited requests - Contacts
Applicants for residencies are requested to submit a file comprising the following documents:
- application form (online form, to be downloaded)
- cover letter
- curriculum vitae
- research project outline
- planned work program
- Applicants who are neither museum curators nor university professors are requested to also include two letters of recommendation by museum curators or university professors.
The complete Application File should be submitted prior to March 1st for annual residencies beginning in September, or by September 1st for residencies during the academic year. Kindly send files to the President of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Maison Borel Foundation, at the following address:
Fondation Maison Borel, Président du Conseil scientifique de la Fondation Maison Borel, Rue de la Bâla 1, Case Postale 123, 2012 Auvernier.
Completed projects should make mention of the support provided by the Maison Borel Foundation.